Metalfoes Mithrilium

1 “Metalfoes” monster + 1 Pendulum Monster
You can target 2 “Metalfoes” cards in your GY and 1 card on the field; shuffle the targets from your GY into the Deck, and if you do, return the target on the field to the hand. You can only use this effect of “Metalfoes Mithrilium” once per turn. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 “Metalfoes” Pendulum Monster from your GY or face-up Extra Deck.
Can Be Found In: Invasion: Vengeance (INOV-EN040), 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP17-EN148), Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge (BLRR-EN082)

Metalfoes is a particular archetype as aims for management by destroying their own cards. Mainly arround Pendulum Monsters, they’ll keep disposing of cards as they in return obtain Spells and Traps to lead the game with their effects. Mainly going for “Metalfoes Fusion” as is able to return to our Deck almost every turn, Metalfoes gained a great reputation in various Pendulum Decks despite the scarce number of options in part due the Normal Monster support assisting them in any method possible.

“Metalfoes Mithrilium” is one of the Fusion Monsters the archetype will aim to, and probably one of the most dangerous to deal with. Once per turn (Including its copies) “Mithrilium” will return two Metalfoes cards in our Graveyard back into our Deck, to then follow with bouncing a target card on the whole field. If for any cause “Mithrilium” goes from our field to the Graveyard there’s no much to worry about, as to compensate the loss we will be able to summon a Pendulum Metalfoes from either our Graveyard or from the Extra Deck if is face-up. In resume, “Mithrilium” provides card recovery that synergizes with the archetype’s playstyle, and if in return isn’t taking care of certain threats on the field its defeat might give us a Metalfoes to recover right away.

With the majority of the archetype focusing on Pendulum Normal Monsters, there’s no difficulties to gather the required tools for the immediate arrival of “Mithrilium”. Starting with searching effects like “Heavymetalfoes Electrumite” to later use the self-destructive effects of their Pendulum Monsters, soon enough Metalfoes will have not only the right materials but also either “Metalfoes Fusion” or “Fullmetalfoes Fusion” to end with the arrival of this creature. Given “Metalfoes Fusion” returns to our Deck each turn and “Mithrilium” and others gives us a retrieval effect, as long we can keep the momentum going we can keep summoning this monster turn after turn as we keep gathering the required cards. With certain liberties on its Fusion Summon we don’t need to completely depend on their main engine for this purpose, as we can use other Extra Deck members like its own copies or “Fullmetalfoes Alkahest” giving us a shortcut with its stealing effect, or work along other Pendulum archetypes like Qli and Igknight to fit a role as materials while providing their respective mechanics. Lastly, along the usual revival options “Mithrilium” can support its own copies in the Graveyard, as although can only summon Pendulum Monsters its shuffling effect can return them back in the Extra Deck for a later arrival.

“Mithrilium” alone covers several aspects of a Duel on its own, potentially becoming the lead monster of its own archetype. Given Metalfoes keeps destroying our own cards to search Spells and Traps, as well using monsters as materials for our summons including “Mithrilium” itself, it won’t take long to have key cards to shuffle back in our Deck and keep the cycle of search and retrieving key cards. This will follow with the ability to bounce a card on the field, and while in most circumstances will be used against and opponent’s monster or backrow it can also target our own cards, specially helpful to reuse certain effects and/or manage our Pendulum Zones if needed. Its final effect by default becomes a solid option to cover against threats getting rid of “Mithrilium”, but since has no special restrictions is possible to use it in an offensive approach. If “Mithrilium” is not disposed after its main effect for another summon and thus follow with the arrival of a Pendulum Metalfoes, chainable options like “Fullmetalfoes Fusion” gives us additional summons by not only Fusion Summoning a new creature but also bringing another Metalfoes in the process. In the latter case, be aware that the new Fusion Summon might conflict with the chance to summon a Pendulum Metalfoes from the Extra Deck unless with the help of a Link Monster.

Creating incredible sinergy with its archetype and a few yet valuable additional options, “Metalfoes Mithrilium” is capable of leading the whole build thanks to the many interactions arround the rest of Metalfoes cards. Its Fusion Summon alone will prepare its main effect of recovering cards and bouncing others, and with Metalfoes’ mechanics to search and recover cards makes “Mithrilium” a great engine as clears the opposite field of any threats. This then will be followed with its summoning effect, as not only becomes a backup effect if “Mithrilium” is defeated but can provide an incredible performance along certain effects and summons. With barely any big issues as soon hits our field, “Mithrilium” sole requirement is to keep archetype cards coming to the Graveyard and Extra Deck so its abilities can be used back and forth. But given the archetype’s nature, “Mithrilium” won’t take long to become one of the most diverse and dangerous creatures Metalfoes can offer.


Personal Rating: A+


+ Shuffles two Metalfoes cards in the Graveyard to then bounce a card on the field
+ If leaves the field will summon a Metalfoes Pendulum monster from the Graveyard of the Extra Deck
+ Incredible support and sinergy with the whole archetype


– We must keep a stable Graveyard or Extra Deck to have access to its effects

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