Galactic Spiral Dragon

While this card is in your hand or GY, if you control 2 or more LIGHT and/or DARK Dragon monsters: You can Special Summon this card in Defense Position, but banish it when it leaves the field. During your Main Phase: You can make all monsters you currently control become Level 8, until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of “Galactic Spiral Dragon” once per turn.
Currently Found In: Chaos Impact (CHIM-EN016)

LIGHT and DARK Attributes might be clear opposites, but they tend to share a lot of interactions with each other since the very beginning of the franchise. Often referred as Chaos Decks, the two Attributes often centers arround a variety of Graveyard setups to achieve big summons and effects activated from that location. Several of the most effective builds follow this mindset, to the point of milling most of their Deck if that means obtaining some of the strongest cards these two Attributes can offer.

“Galactic Spiral Dragon” is a creature which despite its respectable ATK and DEF, it will become an incredible tool towards heavy Xyz Summons. “Galactic” can be Special Summoned in Defense Position from our hand or Graveyard if we control two LIGHT and/or DARK Dragons, and despite “Galactic” being banished once retired of the field is a very simple requeriment for many builds. This is followed with its main effect, where for a single turn all our monsters will have Level 8 like “Galactic” itself. Therefore, not only has a very basic summon condition several builds can handle, but can turn any monster present on our field into big materials towards one or more huge summons from our Extra Deck.

Although limited to not only two Attributes but also a specific Type, “Galactic” still has no issues on having an immediate arrival as soon a Duel begins. Although non-archetype Dragon Decks lack on searching options aside of some staple cards like “Guardragon Elpy”, “Galactic” has the major advantage of being able to summon itself from our Graveyard. Therefore, not only we can mill it out by the likes of “Dragon Ravine” and “Dragon Shrine” to be revived on its own, but “Galactic” can also become a discard cost for a wide variety of effects including “Trade-In” to draw more cards. When comes to bringing either LIGHT or DARK Dragons is no difficult task, as depending of the Deck’s approach there’s a way or another to meet this requeriment. Some can use a simple “Rescue Rabbit” to summon Normal Monsters such as “Alexandrite Dragon” in pairs, while the likes of “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” as well archetypes such as Rokket won’t hesitate on bringing the minimum requirement. This is in combination with popular Dragons of these Attributes further supporting the arrival of “Galactic”, as while both “White Dragon Wyverburster” and “Black Dragon Collapserpent” cooperate with each other as assist this monster’s summon, lead monsters such as “Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon” and “Chaos Dragon Levianeer” can provide further chances to gather monsters of these Attributes. This is without counting the options to summon “Galactic” without relying on its effect, which in combination with the possibility to be retrieved by a card like “Guardragon Pisty” after being banished by its demerit creates a perfect coverage in every aspect of this creature.

With its Special Summon ability more than assured, “Galactic Spiral Dragon” can lead to strong outcomes along the rest of monsters we will gather before and after its arrival. Obviously with the ability to change monsters’ Levels “Galactic” can become a strong pick towards one or more Xyz Summons of that same Rank, bringing powerful Xyz Monsters such as “Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy” and “Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord” to corner the opponent right from early game. This approach also solves the only demerit of “Galactic” must be afraid of, as by being attached to a Xyz Monster it won’t be afraid of self-banishing once is sent to our Graveyard and thus will be able to be reused later on. However, if you don’t mind “Galactic” being banished it can further expand its usability as material, as its effect can create high Level materials for expensive Synchro Summons, while its cheap arrival on the field along other monsters can be more than enough towards a wide number of Link Summons (These situations are specially helpful if Tokens are involved). Lastly “Galactic” can simply take an offensive approach despite summoning itself in Defense Position, as “The Calculator” can gain a massive ATK boost thanks to the mass Level increase of all our monsters.

Even if is not an obligatory addition for every Dragon Deck, “Galactic Spiral Dragon” has barely any major flaws that compromises its entire performance. DARK and LIGHT have been the most consistent and highly supported Attributes in the game, and even if “Galactic” is limited to its own Type it obtains a massive pool of monsters and resources to assure its arrival at any moment. Even with the risk of being banished, “Galactic” can center on its Xyz Summoning approach to become available again in our next turn from our Graveyard, with some alternative roles on other Extra Deck setups and even gimmicks like “The Calculator” to cover several fields with its abilities. Truly the only negative of “Galactic” is its reliance on other monsters to be brought to the field, but by the fact that can be disposed and be brought from the Graveyard later on makes “Galactic” a powerful addition for these two Attributes and an already efficient Type.


Personal Rating: A


+ Special Summons itself from our hand or Graveyard if we control two DARK and/or LIGHT Dragons
+ Turns all our monsters Level 8 until the end of the turn
+ Very easy to summon thanks to all the support of these Attributes and Type
+ Dismisses its demerit if used as Xyz material


– Banishes itself when leaves the field after being brought by its effect
– Relies on other monsters to function

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