Kyoutou Waterfront

Each time a card(s) is sent from the field to the GY, place 1 Kaiju Counter on this card for each sent card (max. 5). Once per turn, while 3 or more Kaiju Counters are on this card: You can add 1 “Kaiju” monster from your Deck to your hand. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove 1 Kaiju Counter from this card instead.
Currently Found In: Clash of Rebellions (CORE-EN089), 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP16-EN100), Battles of legend: Relentless Revenge (BLRR-EN089)

Kaiju is one of the most interesting archetypes in the game, as forces players to battle with the user’s own monsters as they clear threats by being tributed. Unfortunately, this latter mechanic made Kaijus more of a removal tool rather an actual theme to invest on, as their summon condition is able to bypass the vast majority of protective abilities we might face against. This obviously dismisses the rest of possibilities arround these creatures, as along constantly assuring a board for our Kaijus to face each other they also activate devastating effects by the use of counters.

“Kyoutou Waterfront” is the Field Spell in charge or leading its archetype by the use of counter, providing various options so these monsters aren’t just about being brought to the opposite field. Each time a card (or cards at the same time) are sent from the field to the Graveyard “Waterfront” will gain a Kaiju Counter, a very basic condition easy to achieve that excuses the five counter limit. Once per turn if there’s three of these counters “Waterfront” can search for any Kaiju in our Deck to be added in our hand, and given the major impact many of them can cause this is indeed an effective searching tool. Lastly, in case an effect tries to destroy “Waterfront”, we can spend one of its counters to survive the outcome. With a very easy and highly recurring requeriment “Waterfront” will quickly hoard a big number of counters, not only to be used on its own abilities but also becoming the main tool for the rest of Kaijus to activate their abilities.

As a Field Spell “Waterfront” gains the help of the always reliable “Terraforming” to become available in no time, with some additional support like “Planet Pathfinder” since Kaijus very rarely use any Normal Summons. Once on the field virtually any card that goes from the field to the Graveyard will create a counter on “Waterfront”, soon reaching five counters and them some more if we spend them on its effects and those from our Kaijus. Obviously the tribute of opponent’s monsters to summon Kaijus as well basic card removal will count towards generating counters on “Waterfront”, but it goes far beyond that to the point that the archetype itself is barely needed. If we use monsters on the field for any non-Xyz Summon (And aren’t Pendulum Monsters) it will create counters on “Waterfront” in the process, while the mere resolution of activating Spells and Traps will also assist this Field Spell once they leave the field. This can result to cards like “Toon Table of Contents” generating three counters by searching its own copies, as well playing a variety of drawing engines to accompany this card’s searching effect. Speaking of which, “Waterfront” gives us full access to the whole archetype to look for the right Kaiju for the occasion as long it keeps three counters on itself, going from “Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju” as the weakest statwise but the best to send to the opposite field to assure damage, to “Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju” with the potential to wipe out the opposite field. Obviously for “Dogoran” and others to activate their effects will require counters, which with the constant flood or resources “Waterfront” provides as well other cards like “The Kaiju Files” will be more than assured and won’t compromise the Field Spell’s own abilities. From “Gameciel” negating as many effects as counters we can provide, “Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju” creating a Token for further field pressence or to use other summons, or “Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju” attacking three monsters without having to worry for any counters, “Waterfront” is undoubtly a major centerpiece to unleash the archetype’s devastating effects.

“Kyoutou Waterfront” is a big proof of the hidden potential of Kaijus, which since their debut they’ve been narrowed to becoming removal tools against boss monsters. “Waterfront” not only will generate and hoard a massive number of counters for its searching and protection abilities, but also activate the powerful abilities of the Kaijus most of the playerbase has forgotten about. For better or worse, this makes “Waterfront” indispensable for our Kaijus achieve their peak during any Duel, but on the other hand due their tributing mechanics and supporting cards like “Interrupted Kaiju Slumber” and “Fairy Tail – Luna” they aren’t completely dependant of the Field Spell to become highly dominant against many Decks. “Waterfront” is undoubtly a staple card for its archetype, but Kaijus have no urgency to have it out on the field due their playstyle and its ability to gain a massive number of counters at any moment.


Personal Rating: A


+ Gains a Kaiju Counter each time a card(s) is sent from the field to the Graveyard
+ If has three counters we can search a Kaiju monster in our Deck
+ Can spend a counter to survive being destroyed by a card effect
+ Incredibly easy to generate counters during a Duel
+ Gives us access to the Kaijus’ effects


– The archetype mainly relies on this card to use monster effects
– Not a priority given Kaiju’s mechanics and other options


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